Application HostingApplication Hosting

A hosted application is any software installed on a remote server, accessible and usable through the Internet by users via a subscription recurring service, typically via a third-party hosting provider. A hosted application, however, is more similar to a conventional software installation, with the difference being the software is installed on the remote servers of a hosting provider. In other words, app hosting allows your app to be hosted on servers or on a cloud hosted by service providers, like Amazon Web Services (AWS) (open in new tab) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which provides a needed framework for your application hosting.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides robust, scalable, and inexpensive computing resources to host your applications. Simplify your journey to a secure cloud CyberlinkASPs Virtual Desktop and App Delivery services offer safe, cost-effective, and scalable cloud hosting.

Real-time Cloud services offer an extensive array of application hosting services, which can handle all the challenges in terms of hardware and software, thus, making it possible for enterprise enthusiasts to concentrate more on core enterprise functions. Using Cloud technologies, applications and software services could be customized rapidly and easily, which allowed businesses to choose services that would suit their requirements better. Another key advantage of cloud computing is the software integration, which happens automatically within the cloud. 

Ongoing Operations provides 24×7 support of all hosted/managed equipment, as well as of all services/applications delivered by the Ongoing Operations Cloudworks solutions. Ongoing Operations believes in working with every credit union to develop a customized hosted managed solution that meets not only the needs of today but also prepares for the future by being able to rapidly scale up as needed. Our Application Support Team provides optimal infrastructure for your environment, providing you with the highest levels of availability and performance, regardless of whether you are using Cloud, Virtual, or dedicated hosting options.

We offer a full suite of services to ensure that your site is operating at maximum capacity all the time. Our Support Consultants are experts at managing your equipment, software, OS, and associated integration activities, so you can count on our Application Support Team to provide your whole environment support. Cetrom does more than just host your applications on our secure cloud data centers, we make sure they run smoothly, so that you can enjoy seamless, day-to-day operations. With Lunavi hosted app environments, you get the computing resources you need, the platform that allows you to empower your employees, supported by responsive, 24×7 services.

Using the Ongoing Operations unique Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models developed exclusively for credit unions, you can manage and consume applications hosted on-premises, reduce costs, and only pay for what you use. Many application hosting providers offer a high degree of flexibility with their service offerings, including the ability to deliver hybrid cloud hosting services, combining IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) with PaaS (Platform-as-a- Service) delivery. Many modern enterprise web applications are developed using Ruby on Rails, and therefore an application hosting environment might have some additional requirements. You will also want to verify you have a stable environment capable of supporting Agile development and code tests, and you will want to ensure that your hosting environment is capable of easily scaling to meet your needs without breaking the bank.

The most competitive managed hosting providers provide 100% uptime guarantees (application/platform availability), and this is possible with proper usage of virtualization technologies, as well as automated failover technology for disaster recovery. Application providers can and do fail, a valid concern, and one that is frequently mentioned as one of the drawbacks to hosting applications on a remote platform versus an on-premises environment. 
Hosting services refers to various IT hosting functions, including, infrastructure maintenance, data storage, app services, security, monitoring, email sharing, website hosting, and many others.


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